Social Engineering How to Prevent Hacks and Limit the Damage


Social Engineering: How to Prevent Hacks and Limit the Damage

We’d like to share some successful strategies we've used with other SF Bay area companies over the last 23 years that will protect your company from the cost and pain of a social hack.

White Paper: Social Hacking

Social hacking relies on the manipulation of predictable human behavior to gain access to computer users’ credentials, accounts, or data. The average cost of a social engineering hack can range wildly from $130,000 to $4 million!

What you will learn by reading this white paper:

  • What social engineering in psychology is and what it has to do with hackers
  • Ways to recognize social engineering hacking
  • Business implications of social engineering attacks
  • Examples of successful social hacks: Verizon, Caesars Entertainment and MGM Resorts
  • What happens when you’re hacked and how you can limit the damage
  • Examples of failed social hacks: World Health Organization and Coinbase
  • What you can do to repel social engineering marauders

Download this white paper today!


"Sagacent Technologies offers a high-level method of improving productivity and security for company-wide network systems. They offer proactive technology assistance that will prevent high costs in the future."

Jane, Owner Manufacturing Consulting Firm