Checklist To Help You Evaluate Your Cybersecurity Needs

What Needs to Be Managed

This checklist includes:

  • List of items you may need to manage
  • Environment
    • Count
    • Locations/Sites/Networks
    • Workstations
    • Servers/Cloud Apps
    • Employees

Download the checklist to make sure you are protecting your business.


 "Search “Risk Management” in the dictionary and I bet Sagacent shows up! Ed Correia and his team are super knowledgeable. And they constantly study new and trending cybersecurity threats to ensure they understand how to mitigate the risks they pose to your IT systems and your business. That combination of knowledge, diligence, and experience coupled with thoroughness, responsiveness, integrity and genuine concern for the health of your IT systems and the prosperity of your business is why I recommend the Sagacent team to everyone I know." Founder & CEO of a Silicon Valley company